Comics and Posters
The Return of the Durruti Column (André Bertrand, 1966)
Fragmentary Opposition Is Like the
Teeth on a Cogwheel (Council for the Eruption of the Marvelous,
Gloria and Monica (CEM, 1970)
Do We Need Snyder for Poet-Priest? (KK,
Hello, Men! (KK, 1970)
Bureaucratic Comix (KK, 1971)
Wildcat Comics (Contradiction, 1971)
Still Out of Order (Contradiction & Point-Blank, 1971)
Reich: How To Use (KK, 1973)
We’re Tired of Playing with Ourselves (Isaac Cronin, Dan
Hammer & Jeanne Smith, 1973)
Notice Concerning the Reigning Society and
Those Who Contest It (KK et al., 1974)
Modern Revolutionary Theory (KK et al.,
The Blind Men and the Elephant (KK,
The Opening in Iran (KK, 1979)
Terry and the Situationists (KK, 1981)
Dagwood on Détournement (KK, 1981)
Lulus Public Secrets (KK, 1998/2011)
On the theory behind detourned comics, see:
A Users Guide to Détournement (Debord &
Détournement as Negation and Prelude (SI)
The Situationists and the New Forms of Action Against
Politics and Art (Viénet)
On Wielding the Subversive Scalpel (CEM)